Thai Language
School has produced a series of free
online learning aids. Their main objective is to improve
vocabulary acquisition and increase
students exposure and interaction with the language.
Thai language teachers have
created hundreds of Thai
flashcards and Thai language
exercises. These
learning aids cover most of the vocabulary introduced in
our Thai language
lessons and include over 4200 audio clips.
our school adapted part of the FSI (Foreign Service Institute) Thai
language course to be used as a basic Thai reader for self-study.
We have
also developed an additional series of short Thai readers on
subjects (all accompanied by a reading comprehension quizz) for the
benefit of all advanced Thai language learners.
we decided to propose you to learn Thai with music. For each song, we
have included a music video, Thai lyrics, English translation as well
as Thai transliteration. We think that learning Thai language with
music can be a fun and rewarding experience.
hâi sa-nùk!
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encounter any problem, we recommend you to use Internet Explorer or
Mozilla Firefox instead of your usual browser.